Stories in the Pipeline: preserving Goldfields Pipeline heritage
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Stories in the Pipeline: preserving Goldfields Pipeline heritage

Jun 29, 2023

Memories and stories of the Goldfields Pipeline are being sought for a majorcommunity-led research project to help preserve the 120-year-old pipeline's heritageand tourism value.

Commencing late August, the 'Stories in the Pipeline' project aims to recorda history of the public's interactions with CY O'Connor's iconic pipeline,which conveys drinking water 566km from Mundaring Weir to the EasternGoldfields.

The project will span pre-colonial to modern times and, in liaison withAboriginal consultants, have a strong focus on exploring the role of Aboriginalpeople in the development of the pipeline, and the impacts on Aboriginal lands,culture and heritage.

Other anticipated story themes include: establishment of private andmarket gardens; Muslim cameleers and their transport routes linking with the pipeline;arrival of abattoirs; management of diseases and hygiene; and the contributionsof immigrants, among others.

As well as helping identify heritage and tourism-related opportunities, theproject will inform where original pipe will be retained for heritage purposes,as old sections are progressively replaced with modern below-ground pipe overthe next 70 years.

These long-term upgrades are essential to secure a safe and reliablewater supply into the future, as the above-ground pipe reaches the end of itsservice life, enabling more efficient and cost-effective operation andmaintenance.

Responses to the 'Stories in the Pipeline' project will be collated via onlinesurveys, interviews, focus groups, school and community outreach, and storycollections via written submissions.

Once finalised, the project will inform the preparation of a heritage interpretationstrategy and management plan that will be open for public comment, expected byearly-2024.

Stories, memories and photos related to the Goldfields Water SupplyScheme can be submitted via Water Corporation's project partner: or emailing: [email protected].

For further information on Water Corporation's plans for renewing theGoldfields Pipeline, visit:

Comments attributed to Water Minister Simone McGurk:

"Water Corporation's project is important to help preserve CY O'Connor'sGoldfields Pipeline heritage value, including prioritising areas of original above-groundpipe for preservation and ways to reuse the old pipe.

"While we rightly want to preserve the pipeline's rich heritage, it's alsoimportant to acknowledge the pipeline, and ensuing population growth andclearing of land, hugely impacted Aboriginal people and their ways of life.

"By recording these stories, Water Corporation will be able to present amore holistic and accurate legacy of the pipeline and its contribution to thedevelopment of our State.

"I encourage everyone with a personal connection to the GoldfieldsPipeline to share their stories, memories and photos."

Comments attributed to Kalgoorlie MLA AliKent:

"For more than 120 years, the heritage-listed Goldfields Pipeline hasserved the Eastern Goldfields but it requires long-term upgrades for acontinued safe and reliable water supply, as well as supporting futurepopulation and economic growth.

"By engaging with the community, both now and in the future, the'Stories in the Pipeline' project will enhance our understanding of thepipeline's legacy, while allowing Water Corporation to deliver the vital operationalupgrades.

"I look forward to seeing how this fantastic project helps us convey thestory of one of Australia's greatest engineering achievements for years tocome."

Goldfields Pipeline heritage fact file

Source: Extracts taken from the National Trust of Western Australia 'TheGolden Pipeline' information sheets:

To learn more about the pipeline, the Golden Pipeline Heritage Trail offers a unique visitor experience.

Comments attributed to Water Minister Simone McGurk:Comments attributed to Kalgoorlie MLA AliKent:Goldfields Pipeline heritage fact file